Good News For The People Who Own A Big Backyard!

Are you sitting on an untapped goldmine?

Maybe someone in your street has one and doesn’t even know it.

You’re about to discover the power behind owning a big backyard!

One of our Property Resource Shop Gold members, Peter Baumann made it onto Channel 7’s Today Tonight program last week and for ALL the right reasons!

Peter recently did a 1 into 2 subdivision and has managed to capture the media’s attention with his substantial profit and simple subdivision implementation process.

What’s more, we have Peter presenting his popular project at this month’s Brisbane Property group meeting on the 26th April

You can check out the 90 snippet from Channel 7’s Today Tonight below:

Play Video

If you can’t make it along to this month’s Brisbane Property Networking Group meeting you have two other options to get access to Peter’s latest project:

  1. Join up to our Ultimate Property Hub membership to get access to Peter’s case study presentation (along with over 100 other video Case Studies)
  2. Come along to the next Mothers Milk Bank Brisbane Property Adventure Bus Trip where you’ll see Peter’s deal in real life along with at least another 6 Real Deal projects from everyday property investors.

Whatever property investing strategy you’re implementing, the best way to learn, understand and build knowledge and confidence is to see how others make it happen.

Property investing is not all sunshine and lollipops though which is even more reason to get access to these Real Deal Case Studies… so you can see all the mistakes (and how to avoid them) as well!

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  • Secret search parameters that find you hidden gems everyone else misses out on
  • Stop wasting hours of your life on research –– this simple routine finds you cracker deals in half the time!
  • How to use advanced search tools to beat others to the chase!

Plus heaps more!

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