Hi, my name is Matt Jones.
And if you’re looking for the best way to create a whole new life for yourself, I’m so glad you’re here!
For me, the journey started about 15 years ago.
One morning I woke up, got ready to drive to work, and realised:
I was done.
Fried. Burned out. I couldn’t take it anymore.
The never-ending workdays. The late nights. Working even on weekends and holidays.
Missing out on the best years of my family… Enough was enough!!!
I left my high-pay job and jumped into property investing… But I had no tools and no clue!
Soon I had to get a minimum-wage job as a Postie just to make ends meet.
Yet I pressed on!
It didn’t happen overnight. It took me years to discover what works and what doesn’t.
You can get the full story here but here’s the bottom line:
I made it… and so can you!
I paid off all my debts, fired my boss, and took my family on a 2-½ year trip around the world, sleeping well at night knowing my properties will pay all and any bills.
All thanks to the strategies I’ve discovered and proprietary systems I’ve created –– all of which are readily available to you on this website!

Thank you, property income!
And trust me, with these proven strategies – anyone can do this.
And pretty fast, too!
No matter what your starting point is, how much time, money, or skill you may have.

Thank you, property income!
How Can I Help You?
If you’re a DIY investor, you don’t have the luxury of making too many mistakes.
You need an edge in today’s competitive market.
And that’s what I’m all about:
Helping you find better deals… with less risk… and bigger profits!
No matter what your current skill level is!

Who Is Matt Jones?
Way back when
I was born in Melbourne, Australia and spent most of my early childhood there.
Seeking the warmer temperatures, our family moved to Banora Point, Northern New South Wales where I completed high school.
During my 15 year career working in performance theatre as a professional stage and lighting technician, I was allowed to work in the various venues across the Eastern seaboard of Australia, which gave me an excellent understanding of property prices and market trends.
I completed this career phase in theatre as Lighting Manager at the Queensland Performing Arts Centre in Brisbane. This then became the base for investing in property.

The Snap Point
I can remember opening my pay packet from the Arts Centre one Thursday afternoon (yes, an actual hard copy pay packet!).
After doing some quick calculations the realisation that 40hrs of work equated to only 3 hrs annual leave, just didn’t seem to fit any more.
Those numbers didn’t stack for me nor did it equate to the value I put on my own time and worth… so things had to change.
I soon learned that time was my most valuable resource and I needed to use that time to educate myself.
Steve McKnight’s book ‘From 0-130 properties in 3.5years’ became my best friend, devouring every page and gave me licence to get out of the rat race and into real financial freedom.
I made so much progress, that I even became a contributor to Steve’s latest book!

The Transition
For things to change, I had to change so I quit my career of 15 years and became a postie.
It’s funny looking back now, thinking of my transition from postie to property developer.
I realised that I had to have a real mind shift in my thinking to achieve the outcome I was looking for.
I took on a joint venture partner. The partner had the money and no time and I had the so called time and no money so, the equation worked very well.
I cut my working hours by 50% as a postie and of course my income; I remember noting that this wasn’t a ‘fly by night’ decision to throw my security up in the air.
It would require 110% commitment on my part every step of the way.

The Work
For two years I was out of bed at 5am to do my postie role to ensure I was completed by lunchtime to work on property investing.
In 2006 my first renovation came into being. It nearly killed me but man, it was worth it.
The postie role in the morning and on the tools in the afternoon was tough but very rewarding.
A new snap point was required as the pace was full on so it was decision time again.
Seeing the financial potential I had at hand, I ditched my postie job which was a big call as it was leaving the security of my PAYG job for good.
Together with my joint venture partner at the time, we then moved onto some subdivision projects.
Now I was well on my way to achieving an abundance of success and financial freedom!

Personal Growth
Life was very full on in those days and my personal life was becoming non existent. I certainly didn’t have a balanced lifestyle.
Over this period, I soaked up as much as I could from self help books and personal development input. I knew that to have financial freedom alone was only part of the deal that I was looking to achieve. Money without a balanced lifestyle didn’t suit me so there lay the next challenge.
This part of my life was like being at the crossroads and not knowing which way to move forward. I felt as if I was against a brick wall that I couldn’t climb over.
I knew that if I wanted to be successful in anything, I needed to become personally developed. You just cannot have one without the other.
Whilst on my quest for life balance, Jill McIntyre crossed my path. She became and still is a personal mentor and coach of mine.
Through Jill I was able to overcome my personal barriers and self sabotaging traits that had been manifesting within me for many years.
I can honestly say at that point that I had never honestly addressed my inner fears and self doubts and by doing so, it gave me the freedom to be where I am today.

Soul Mate
Up to this point in time, I already had the lady of my dreams that was an integral part of my life, but with all the turmoil around me, I failed to recognise her as my life partner.
I had a lot to overcome with my fears of commitment and with Jill’s support I got the guts to propose to my beautiful Marisa.
We married in September 2009 and together with Marisa’s twelve year old son Morgan we lived in utter contentment in our rainforest retreat on the Sunshine Coast and the birth or our son Elijah in October 2010 came shortly after.
We now have a third child, our beautiful daughter Emily, born in July 2013 and have since moved to France to provide an amazing experience for our kids by exposing them to a different culture, language and way of life!

The Way Forward
My goal is total financial freedom by the time I’m 50 and with over $10 Million in projects under my belt and countless joint ventures and money partnering opportunities on the go, my vision is well on the way to becoming a reality.
My lovely wife Marisa and I continue to share our wealth with multiple charities and have created the largest property networking group in the country so others can benefit from our journey.
We continue to expand our incredible education platform for property investors and work closely with private mentoring clients through our Property Launchpad community.

Final Thoughts
It has been almost two decades since I commenced on this awesome journey and I have no doubt the best is yet to come.
I’ve discovered that it is critical to have clearly defined goals in place and even more importantly to realise that its not about the goal, its about the growth along the way.
If you don’t set the goals in the first place, you don’t have a platform to grow from….. Goals, Growth and Greatness!”