I Invite You To Take Advantage
Of This New Opportunity
Hi, I’m Matt Jones. I help real estate investors and developers speed up their process — and their profits.
So, here is your ticket to start earning 12%-18% returns on your investments…
Even if you’ve never invested in property before
Even if you don’t have much time
Even if the bank has been saying “no” to all your loan applications
What Kind Of Profits Are We Talking About Here?

I went from earning minimum wage as a Postie, to becoming independently wealthy.
Paid off all my debts, fired my boss, and took my family on a 2-½ year trip around the world, sleeping well at night knowing my properties will pay all and any bills.
And you can do this too – – no matter how much time or money you have right now.
In fact, anyone can start earning 12% to 18% return on investment through property:
Jim Valery made $300k after the last bootcamp!
Adam Hubbard made $140k
Hoa Nguyen and Peter teamed up and made $136K profit in 5 months
Simon Johnson is now earning 18% on his money!
Kate Haynes is set to make $100k in under 12 months despite having no property experience!
To name a few!
And you too can earn a lot more money through property than you’re currently earning.
It boils down to this:

Stop investing the “old way”!
In the old world, you needed to have four things at once to profit from property investing.
In the past, to make money in property, you needed:
- Access to deals
- Deep pockets
- Borrowing ability, and
- Property skills in order to succeed
But I have developed a proven way to eliminate the need for all of those things – so you can start making money with property fast!
Which means, instead of the slow, traditional route… you can get into safe, high-profit deals right now.
You might be wondering how this is possible. It’s simple.
Using my system, you can get into those good deals…
Without cold-calling a million agents and homeowners
Without dropping any letters
Without spending all your time on expensive online research tools
By the way, the rich have been doing this since the dawn of time…
Now it’s finally accessible to the everyday investor. Regardless of their cash position, borrowing ability, or level of expertise.
All thanks to this:
Connecting people with deals… to people with money… and people with skills.
The whole premise of the Property Launchpad is simple:
Instead of having to find all the people and resources you need to make a deal work… we put them all together in the same room FOR you.
Which means:
If you have a deal that needs financing –– you can go home with it 100% funded
If you have cash or ability to borrow but no deal (or no time to find one) –– you’ll have a perfect selection of deals available right there, at the seminar.
And as a result – everyone gets a far better outcome than they ever could on their own!
Best Speakers… Best Opportunities…
You’ll be surrounded with cracker deals and opportunities.
I’m talking about rock-solid opportunities you can’t find ANYWHERE else. Deals that can easily earn you 12% to 18% returns on your investment. All day, every day!
You’ll be in superb pre-vetted company.
That’s right!
You can’t just sign up for attending the Property Launchpad event. Everyone interested has to apply and have a chat with me before they get the “OK!” to attend.
Once you’re approved, you’ll find out why Joint Ventures are, I believe, the fastest, surest, easiest way to wealth.
And if you’ve never done a Joint Venture before, no worries!
That’s why I have hired the top-ranked, most expensive financial and legal experts money can buy. I’ve spent 15 years and over $100k creating a proprietary ironclad Joint Venture system.
A library containing all the contracts… templates… project structures… profit share charts… and all the other documentation you’ll ever need.
And I will give it to you… my entire proprietary Joint Venture System… on a silver platter at this event.
Plus, you get the connections you’ve been so desperately missing.
Here’s what we’ll cover at the event:

Day #1 – Knowledge
Why you don’t need to continue working to fund deals anymore
How to find, assess and acquire joint venture partners
Being the money partner – how to earn 12%-18% return on investment with hardly any work
What you need to know about deal setup: rates of return, securities, due diligence… and everything else!
Mezzanine financing, private finance, and other creative avenues for funding
Personality profiling and my proprietary SCREEN method for finding the right people to invest with!
And after all that…

Day #2 – Implementation
The 9-page checklist for assessing deals and pitching them
“Shark Tank” presentations – your chance to offer a property project to the group and get funded on the spot!
Tax minimisation secrets even experienced accountants don’t know about!
Case studies from JV veterans!
Our Private Funding Connoisseur shows you how to get any deal funded by midnight!
Asset-protection and investor protection… everything you need to know… custom tailored to YOUR situation!
And of course…

Day #3 – Outcome
Planning your path to freedom –– creating your 30 day, 90 day and 365 day business plans
Two more “Shark Tank” presentations – your chance to offer a property project to the group and get funded on the spot!
My own solicitor walks you through ALL the legalities of a joint venture arrangement!
Types of Joint Ventures, compartmentalising, avoiding disputes, profit splits and rates of return
How to turn a joint venture business into a multi-million dollar asset you can sell!
The road ahead – where to find more deals and more JV partners once you go home
And heaps more!
Our Amazing Success Team
More Results!
Property Launchpad graduates are already earning huge wads of cash using my system. And so can you!
Why our graduates make so much more money than average investors?
It’s simple.
The Property Launchpad is not just the No. 1 Joint Venture education event in the country… It’s also, by large, the –
No. 1 Best Deal-Making event
in the country!
This event teaches you everything you need to know to start doing profitable Joint Venture deals.
Provides you with the critical connections you need to find profitable deals you can afford –– FAST.
Fast… as in… right away.
Many of our students find a JV deal right at the event. They go home with a highly profitable deal… Already in motion!
And there’s absolutely NO REASON why this can’t happen for you as well.
Just like it did for David Glover and Melissa Lamb, who signed off on their first Joint Venture at the event!