Managing My Project - Page 3

How To Make More Money, Quicker

If you want to add $40k, $50k, $100k, $250k or more to your annual income as quickly as possible, then you’ll want to pay attention to this short blog post.A lot of people get stuck on their property journey.They either can’t find deals anymore… or it’s been five years and they’re still doing low-profit renos time […]

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8 Lessons From A Civil Engineer That Will Save You Money And Headaches

When it comes to development sites and subdivisions, you need someone on your team who knows all the relevant codes required to keep you on the right side of the law and make sure the authorities are happy.This is the role of your civil engineer.But a good one will do much more than just helping […]

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7 Ways Surveyors Can Help You Choose Better Sites, Speed Up Approvals, & Reduce Risk

There are just two ways to increase your property profits… And one of them is much easier than the other.Your first option is to sell for more. That’s obvious… But not easy. In fact, depending on market conditions or on how soon you need to wrap up the project – it’s often impossible.Your only other […]

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14 Great Property Articles That Will Motivate You Today

Every now and then I stumble upon a really great articles about property that I wish I wrote it myself. I noticed this list was starting to get longer and longer so I decided I wanted to share it with you.Some of these blog posts will inspire you, some will remind you why you got […]

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What Every Investor Ought To Know About Self Managed Super-Funds

Are you losing up to 7%-11% potential interest on your superannuation fund?If you have money tucked away for retirement – consider this post a wake up call. By the time you retire, you might miss out on over a million dollars that you could have added to your account (for some people it’s even more than […]

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Subdivider? Help Create Australia’s First State by State Pricing Guide For Subdividing Property

I Need Help!I have decided to create Australia’s first state by state pricing guide for subdividing property – and if you have completed subdivisions in VIC, NSW, SA, NT, Tasmania, or WA – I need your help.In return, you will get eternal glory… And free access to the first issue of the guide 🙂 Here’s what this […]

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