Test Yourself! Are Your Rentals Really Legal? (Part 3)

We’re back with Part III of my interview with Alex Steffan (the legendary town planner)… And in this instalment…

To get the boarding house checklist and granny flats checklist Alex mentioned in the video, contact Alex and his team directly on [email protected] or give them a call 07 3317 0042!

If you’re looking to subdivide or develop a property in Brisbane, I highly recommend Alex and his team at Steffan Town Planning.

Their service is impeccable and you’ll be sure to get same day response no matter how busy they are…. Tell ‘em Matt sent you 🙂

If you’re subdividing in the Gold Coast, Ipswich or Toowoomba regions, I highly recommend Noel Grummitt from Grummitt Town Planning via their website

If you have a project in the Sunshine Coast region, get in contact with the Merv, Jason or Howard via their website

And lastly… if you missed the previous instalments in this series… check ’em out now!!!

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