Tools & Resources

Top 4 Apps To Manage Your Cashflow In 2017

Every property investor’s goal is (or should be) to create positive cashflow.However, many property investors struggle with cash flow management and find themselves in negative cash flow situations caused by business or lifestyle expenses that are too high or income that is too low.Whether you are looking to increase your positive cash flow or trying […]

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Here Are Our Top Ten Favourite Property Case Studies From 2016

Time flies when you’re having fun, and we’ve had A LOT of fun running the Brisbane, Sunshine and Gold Coast property meetings over the years.We’re now in our tenth year of facilitating these phenomenal South East Qld networking group meetings that have become the envy of all other states.Probably the most popular segment is our […]

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The Brisbane Bus Trip Is Back… And We’re Celebrating With A GIVEAWAY!

If you’re a property investor (or an aspiring one) living near Brisbane (in fact this is worth getting on a plane for), you’ll want to pay close attention to this…Not only am I going to share the most important investment you can make right now to increase your chance to succeed in the next twelve […]

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7 Best Property Investing Podcasts & Blogs In Australia 2016

Whether you’re a first-time property investor or have some runs on the board, you’re in danger…Why You Shoud Not Rely On Mainstream MediaThe only way to succeed as a property investor is to stay curious and keep learning.But when it comes to your property investing education you need to be careful. There’s a plethora of opinions in the […]

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Announcing Property Resource Shop 3.0!

It was late 2005 and I’d just started my property investing journey. “Property Resource Shop” didn’t exist yet… not even in my wildest dreams.I just sacked the boss and had no plan… other than to become a full time property investor.(For the record, that was a really bad idea. Don’t try that without some careful thought… or […]

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Finding Property Deals On The Go Just Got Easier (and cheaper!)

Wouldn’t it be great if you could check out properties in your area while on the go?Even better – wouldn’t it be great if you could do that for free?Now you can! Here’s how: Steal All My Deal Finding Secrets! Click now to access my 100% FREE Deal Finding Training revealing my top Deal Finding […]

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