Matt's Journey - Page 2

My Take On Negative Gearing, Creating Wealth, And Paying Taxes

When it comes to buying and holding property for long term wealth there are two types of investors:Those that endeavour to save tax Those that endeavour to make money I’ll go for the latter every time. Why? Because if you’re paying tax, you’re making money!In fact, my rule is: The bigger the tax bill, the […]

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Happy Australia Day (Plus: I’m coming home!)

Happy Australia Day!Next week I’ll be showing you how to put more cash in your pocket using quantity surveyors, but today I just want to take a moment and say…Thank you.Thank you for being a part of the PRS community (thats how we call the Property Resource Shop here at the office).I also want to take a moment […]

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Oops… I Stuffed Up!

It’s time to swallow my pride.I’m revealing one of my recent mistakes.Read on, because this affects you too. Steal All My Deal Finding Secrets! Click now to access my 100% FREE Deal Finding Training revealing my top Deal Finding Secrets! Secret search parameters that find you hidden gems everyone else misses out on Stop wasting hours […]

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How I Left My 9 to 5 Postie Job Behind And Moved My Family To France

I’ve heard it said that we overestimate what we can achieve in one year and underestimate what we can achieve in five years. I’ve also heard said that there are no unrealistic goals, just unrealistic timeframes.It’s true that most of us seem to struggle with the concept of setting goals and being able to achieve […]

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