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This Deadly Poison Is A Property Investors’ Worst Nightmare

If your next reno or subdivision property was built pre-1990, beware: It’s likely you have asbestos in the roof sheeting, the wet areas of your home (laundry, bathroom, kitchen), and maybe even in an old shed out the back.But the list doesn’t end there… far from it! You Can Often Find Asbestos In: Over 200 […]

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This Video Literally Blew My Mind

How often do you surf the web and come across something that truly blows your mind?Not very often, right? Personally I rarely spend more than 5 mins a day on Facebook or YouTube because I know 99% of the time it’s a huge time waster… But once in a blue moon… I discover something spectacular. Something […]

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Subdivision Costs WA: A Complete List Of The Costs You Need To Budget

“What are the typical subdivision costs in WA?”This is one of the most popular questions I get asked when chatting to property investors. It’s second only to “how do I find a great deal?”.It’s a great question and was the reason I wrote the Subdivision Masterclass and included it in the Ultimate Property Hub membership site.Finding out those key […]

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9 Magic Words Used By World Champions To Transform The Mind, Erase All Fears, And Get In The Zone

Nine simple words will help you win in property... and EVERYTHING ELSE in life.

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A Remedy For New Year Blues

There’s a dark side to seeing in a new year.And we’ve all been there. The holidays end. You need go back to work. Get started on all those new year resolutions… but when you wake up in the morning – Something cracks. A new year used to bring excitement and joy. But for most adults, […]

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A.T.A. – The Simple Method For Achieving Everything You Want In Life

My early days as a property investor were a constant struggle.The problem had very little to do with finding the right deal, figuring out how to finance it, or getting around the nasty surprises that almost always happen. All those things just come with the territory.My struggle, and I suspect this is true for many […]

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