How To Find A Property Deal And Secure $70,000 Profit… In Just 30 Days!

Welcome to the final installment of the 30 days property investing challenge!

If you missed the previous installments of the challenge, you can catch up here:

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So today we’re here for the final verdict…

Is it possible to find a deal and see it through while making a $50,000 profit in under 30 days?  

The answer, as it turns out, is a resounding YES! But before I give you the full scoop though, I want to thank Nhan Nguyen again .

It took a lot of courage to take on this inspiring public challenge and put himself out there, risking his own reputation.

But more than that… I want to thank Nhan for…

Giving you a FREE PASS to his widely acclaimed Accelerated Property Seminar!!!

You will learn:

The seminar will take place on MONDAY AUGUST 22nd 2016 at The Colmslie Hotel, cnr Wynnum and Junction Roads, Morningside (Brisbane) at 6.30pm (day concludes at 9.30pm). You can read more about it here.

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If you want to attend for free, here’s what you need to do: 

It’s easy. Just leave a comment below this post telling us why they should get the tickets. There are only 5 tickets left so if you can make it I strongly suggest you comment right now – even before you continue reading this post.

JUST DO IT — It Really Is Worth It!

OK, did you leave a comment yet? Great!

(Really, if you haven’t, you’re robbing yourself of a massive opportunity to learn from one of Australia’s finest investors… for free…)

So now that you’re back, click play on the video below to get the play-by-play of how Nhan secured a hefty $70,000 profit… in just 30 days… and it all started when he wasn’t even in the country!

Once again I want to thank Nhan for sharing this amazing challenge with us.

If you’ve been inspired by this, make sure you leave a comment below to claim your free pass to Nhan’s Accelerated Property Seminar!

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  • Secret search parameters that find you hidden gems everyone else misses out on
  • Stop wasting hours of your life on research –– this simple routine finds you cracker deals in half the time!
  • How to use advanced search tools to beat others to the chase!

Plus heaps more!

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17 thoughts on "How To Find A Property Deal And Secure $70,000 Profit… In Just 30 Days!"

Hi Matt, been following you for a while and love your stuff, have bought your investor action plan and will be buying more of your stuff, me and my wife would absolutely love to see Nham Nguyen’s talk on Monday night in Brisbane.

HI Daniel, thanks for the comments and great to see you are already getting stuck into the 9 to 5 Action Plan. You are first cab off the rank mate so congratulations, you and your wife are off to Nhan’s workshop this Monday evening. I’ll be in touch via email guys with more info and well done for taking action 🙂

Sounds just what I want to be catching…however I’m in Sydney and have commitments that evening.

Will there be an event in Sydney?

Will the session be recorded and viewed at a later stage?

HI Matt, thanks for the comment. Nhan does occasionally go down to Sydney. I’ll find out when the next event is and let you know. Nhan wont be recording this event so hopefully you can catch him down your way soon. Cheers, Matt

Well done Nhan 🙂 you are inspiring.

And thanks to you too Matt for putting it all up for others to be inspired.

You’re both showing everyone how success comes from doing things differently from the crowd.

Jump out of your comfort zone and see what else life has to offer…

I wont be able to attend the seminar, but those who do, well done for having a go.

Thanks Greg and its our pleasure bringing this kind of information to the community. Looking forward to catching up when we’re back in Oz mate!

Hi Matt & Nhan, we have seen Nhan once before & know you are both “the real deal”. I can’t make it but my partner Martin would love to revisit on Monday night in order to get more info (& inspiration) about no money down deals. ?

Wow! Anything like $50k in 30 days would be excellent. Well done Nhan. That sort of deal would especially suit me right now! I’d love to go on Monday night and hopefully get some tips for an action plan.

Hi Jacqueline. Yep I wouldn’t mind a few deals like that as well! Looks like it will be $70k net profit when all said and done. I’ll get in touch with you via email about Nhan’s event. Thanks for the comments Jacqueline. Cheers, Matt

Keen to learn from someone who’s actually doing the deals. Will be great

Thanks Paul. Yep that’s one of my big criteria’s when I’m looking for a mentor in anything (not just property). They have to walk their talk and in this case make more money implementing their own strategies than just teaching others. Will be in touch mate. Cheers, Matt

Hi Matt, we have heard Nhan speak once before and know you guys are the real deal. I can’t make it but my partner would love the chance to see, listen and learn from Nhan again. Is it possible that you still have room for him to come on Monday night?

Sure do Martin. Thanks for the feedback and yep Nhan definitely walks his talk which is always inspiring. I’ll send you an email with details on how to access the free ticket. Thanks, Matt

Hi Matt:

I recently attended Nhan’s Bus trip, & I have been so inspired by him, by Craig Christie, & yourself. I have recently set a goal to put in an offer a day till I find my next deal. So far I am ahead of my quota for this month. Any tickets left? I would LOVE to attend Monday evening.


HI Jason. Thanks for the great feedback and well done on setting your ‘offer a day’ goal. That’s what it takes to get the exceptional deals coming your way. Keep at it and stay consistent. Sorry to say we already gave away the 5 tickets to Nhan’s event and I’ve had to turn a stack of people away already. I’ll see if we can do it again before the year is out. Cheers, Matt

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